Sep 11

«You deserved so much better»

Tag: Informática Teórica,La ProfesiónJoaquim Anguas @ 10:31 am

After more than 30.000 people signed this petition , Mr. Gordon Brown, Prime Minister UK, says sorry to Mr. Alan Turing in an article for the Daily Telegraph. I have to say I was a bit reluctant regarding the petition because in a way it may mean that Mr. Turing deserved it more than others because of the contribution he made to his country during The War. But Mr. Brown answer does not forget all those who suffered the same treatment as Mr. Turing at that time.


It is impossible to summarize here the contribution that Mr. Turing did to Computer Science.

Most media is focusing lately in the Turing Test. I almost see this like a joke that many took seriously. I just hope that popular belief does not convert the Turing Test into a real metric.

But to name one outstanding contribution, to me the Turing Machine was the ultimate calculus model at the time, which allowed him and others to dig deeper on Computational Complexity Theory.

As Mr. Brown said, “You deserved so much better”, Mr. Turing.